Where the s u n r i s e s
to uplift, inspire and inform through the art of word, music and imagery
About my poetry
This is an impression of the more than 200 poems that I've written and the accompanying Author's notes for three of the individually published poems. These are mainly poems that have either been published or submitted for competitions. Although I have begun working on presentation, most are still in regular PDF format. For now I have chosen to reserve most of my work for publication by way of several books of poetry. In the future I will probably be adding more poems here, and potentially decide to list them in another way ☺K
Author's notes
Author's notes
It is time to stop eyeing our fellow man with suspicion, envy or contempt.
It is time to lower the blindfold of fear.
It is time to allow for the great diversified vista of our kindred.
We are all humans.
It is time to learn about and rejoice in each other’s characteristics, beliefs and accomplishments.
God knows the world will become a happier place.
Here is one grain of sand towards this end.
It is time to stop eyeing our fellow man with suspicion, envy or contempt.
It is time to lower the blindfold of fear.
It is time to allow for the great diversified vista of our kindred.
We are all humans.
It is time to learn about and rejoice in each other’s characteristics, beliefs and accomplishments.
God knows the world will become a happier place.
Here is one grain of sand towards this end.
May you be enlightened.
May you be enlightened.
From Centres of Expression, Noble House 2007, with poem ‘I see you’
Most of our journeys are not easy ones. May you discover, as I did, that we are here to learn. It is my fervent wish - if you are not already doing so - that you wake up to your own limitless potential, begin consciously to participate in your destiny, and enjoy the corresponding deep fulfillment this incites. It is my sincere hope that I may play a part by prodding you through the art that I have been blessed with.
Listen to your inner ear. Mind you inner voice. Seek your own truths, not that of the masses, nor that of authority. May you exchange fear for love and be truly free. May you soon share the comfort of feeling guided. May you be enlightened.
From Colours of the Heart, Noble House 2004, with poem ‘Journey’
The continuing path of my own identity has been one beset with hurdles, what with being born on ‘one happy island’ of many cultures (Aruba), bred on both proud American and European soil and burdened with multitalent and a ferocious drive to express myself and find out why I had been born. When I determined positivity to be the only effective approach, I uncovered wisdom which in my words might serve others.
This is one of many poems I have heard in the silence of the night. If you were targeted by synchronicity to be touched by the publishing of this poem here:
I truly believe that we could do a whole lot better personally, and as a world, if — instead of living out pre-established patterns dictated by the fear-induced pressures of society — more people were moved to find out who they really are. May you be enlightened.
From Theatre of the Mind, Noble House 2003, with poem ‘The Rock’
2012 to date
2012 to date
Pre 2012
Pre 2012
Experiments in Spanish,
French and Papiamento