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How Candlewood Sings

Who knows which flow spawns the Ocotillo

desert opulence sparked by just enough

blessed beacon

strong enough, here enough

What a Jacob’s ladder

of myriad mutual ascension

how your colors voice your song

loud enough, real enough

Whether a budding wonder withers or thrives

so shows everlasting slimwood

hangs on sometimes naught

but a drop mere enough

Why not honor with gratitude

this coachwhip’s evidence of origin

exploding in front of us

fine enough, wise enough

Thus where my vine cactus suffers shortage

may others allot some, enjoying enough

So do I my part

and give of me, lavishly

Where I have enough

Because I do have enough

While I claim not all I desire

yet still hold a flaming sword

to spare, to square

alleviate, reciprocate

affording grace to each other

fair enough, true enough

And when what I present

falls short, fails still

may you know my Ocotillo glow

long enough, well enough

for blessed candlewood to enlighten

swift enough, clear enough

~ Karen D. Russel de Corrales ~


'I can give. I want to give. I will give. Because I have enough.'

Submitted for Poetry Society National Poetry Competition 2014

Fouquieria splendens.

Commonly known as Ocotillo,

but also referred to as

coachwhip, candlewood, slimwood, desert coral,

flaming sword, Jacob's Staff, Jacob Cactus, and vine cactus.

With thanks to unknown image source.

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